May 2016

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Health Capsule

Children with Cancer: A Guide for Parents

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If your child is diagnosed with cancer, you may feel upset and overwhelmed. NIH’s recently updated booklet, Children with Cancer: A Guide for Parents, can help you and your family cope during this challenging time.

Designed to be used as a tool in consultation with your child’s health care team, the guide book has information about childhood cancers; finding a doctor and hospital for your child; medical tests and procedures; treatments, including clinical trials; and health issues like nutrition, infection, and pain. You can get tips for talking with your child about cancer, finding support, and staying organized by tracking key information.

Each section includes quotes from parents, related resources, and questions to help you get more in-depth and personalized information.

The 84-page booklet can be down-loaded from the Web as a PDF or an e-book. Visit

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