October 2015

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Health Capsule

Helping Older Loved Ones from Afar

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Many of us find that we need to help care for aging parents or other loved ones who live far away. Caregiving can be difficult and time-consuming, but it can also be rewarding.

An online booklet from NIH, called So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers for Long-Distance Caregiving, is filled with ideas that can help make caring for a loved one from afar more manageable and less stressful.

Anyone, anywhere can be a long-distance caregiver. Caregiving might involve managing an elderly aunt’s budget or helping your dad sort through medical bills. You might check the references of a home health aide, or try to take some pressure off a sibling who lives in the same town as your aging relatives.

So Far Away gives straightforward answers to 20 common questions faced by long-distance caregivers. Visit www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication/long-distance-caregiving/introduction to read or download the online publication.

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