July 2024

  • Illustration of a group playing a board game at a community center.

    Buffering Childhood Stress

    Safe, Secure Relationships for Better Health

    Some kids who live through extremely stressful or traumatic events are at risk for health problems later in life. Scientists are studying ways that positive experiences and relationships can help protect kids’ health.
  • Illustration of a doctor showing a patient an MRI of the brain.

    When Blood Vessels Grow Awry

    Understanding Vascular Malformations

    Blood vessels keep us healthy by delivering oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. But when blood vessels in the brain form in an abnormal way, it can cause serious problems. Learn more about vascular malformations.

Contributors to this issue: 

  • Vicki Contie
  • Brian Doctrow
  • Kristine Duru
  • Tianna Hicklin